Friday, March 21, 2014

Turn Up the VOLUME!


Recently I was talking to world class producer, Anne Archer Butcher about how she was able to manage all that was coming her way between her book launch and speaking tour of Inner Guidance: Your Divine Birthright (which is an awesome book, btw), her ongoing work with people like Donald Trump, and her family life.  Here's what she said to me, "When I think I'm completely maxed out, I ask the universe to help me turn up the VOLUME."

WHAAAAT?  Bio hacker that I am, I thought, this I gotta try. Let me clarify something.  She didn't mean turn up the VOLUME on what I thought I should do, she was talking about turning up the VOLUME on asking for inner guidance AND then listening to the inner guidance you were getting and acting on it. As soon as I switched over to this different approach, I put myself into alignment with the law of economy. Suddenly, everything I did went more smoothly and I began seeing these amazing and unexpected results.

For example, I'd ask, "What new work should I be expanding into?" The phone would ring with a new client request that challenged me to mash together my skills in a different and unique way. Or when I asked, when should I exercise? Out of the blue a two hour window would open up and off I'd go on my bike.I didn't just use my day time to turn up my inner guidance volume, I used night time as well. Before I went to sleep, I'd ask to be taken to where I was needed to serve. Yep. Awesome. Took my dreams to a whole new level. Out went those old dreams where I regurgitated and processed my day, and in came dreams of insight, new people, new places. Skeptical?  Bio hack your own dream time!  Einstein did!

Why not turn up the VOLUME on your inner guidance (IG) and raise your IG quotient? How?  Next time you are wondering which direction to go, tune in to that super power inner you that's linked to "for the good of the whole" and ask (your version of), "Here's what I want more of, life. What can I do right now that will help me step into that experience with grace and love?" Then listen for that quiet inner nudge. In my case, I find it's not that loud voice that's sometimes driven by my ego. It's the soft one ;-). Also I find that when I'm over obsessing about work, I have to say, "Make it so LOUD that I can't miss it!"  Another person told me she asks to be shown that guidance in 3 different ways.  Biohack that one!

Where might you want to turn up the VOLUME?

Expanding the Creative Genius YOU - Check In
On a scale of 1-5 (1=never, 5=always) how often are you challenging yourself to learn more and be more of your true self?
Physically (health, food, workouts)
Mentally (focus, flexibility, learning new things, challenging old mindsets)
Emotionally (ability to give and receive love, being kind)
Spiritually (feel part of the bigger whole, ongoing spiritual exercise, tune in to IG)

If you are ranking under 3 on any of these, it's a perfect time to turn down the guilt and turn up your own activation volume. Then align yourself with IG to turn the volume up on the right actions for you.

Whatever part you are focusing on, above all, remember that you are loved. Turn the VOLUME WAY UP on self-love.

Speaking of love, I am so grateful for all of your kind notes, calls, tweets and FB posts. Thanks to all of you that sent me your stories this past month! You make my speaking SUPER EASY when I get to talk about YOU.




Awesome group who invited me to give a keynote on Drawing Solutions, Visual Goalsetting.  If you need your team to get revitalized or realigned, this 45-90 minute key note is a perfect way to do it!



Now is the perfect time to make a change.  If you need a kick start, watch my TEDx Draw Your Future
f you need to Up Your Creative Genius in the health category department, I can't say enough about Bulletproof Coffee and awesome Dave Asprey. Check it out.



Offsitarama: OMG these are the awesome people working for us in Portland. I had a blast illustrating for them. Here they are watching me draw and a piece of the drawing I was working on.
Thanks Multnomah DCS!!!

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