Thursday, February 27, 2014

Time to Come Out - Meditators!

Arianna Huffington - "Business People Coming Out as Meditators"
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Confess. You're a meditator.
I went to the Wisdom 2.0 conference and I was blown out of the water by Arianna Huffington. Her opening line was, "Business people all over the world are coming out. Not as being gay, that's so yesterday, but as being meditators."  LOL! But it's true isn't it?  People who never talked about spirituality are bringing up the idea of past lives, or amazing spiritual experiences they are having.  This conference was about spirituality in business. Google, FB, Twitter, Medium are starting meditation groups in their high tech start-ups, beginning meetings by taking a moment to become present.

I love this, because, why not? Why not start everything with a moment of inner calm?  Open an inner ear to guidance and reflection? In all of the news that HuffPost offers, did you know that the religion, GPS4Soul and the Third Metric columns have the highest reader ratio?  It just happened in January.  We toppled over into soul awareness. Please join me in celebrating, no matter your faith. #awesome. #wearewakingupandtalkingaboutit

This past week I saw so many cool speakers and one of them I have to give a big shout out about.  

His name is Kevin Carroll and his company is Katalyst.  His story will break your heart and then heal it up again and inspire you to stay motivated into your greatness.  Follow him, find him, hire him - Nike did for 7 years and he is on his own now speaking around the world. His message is about the power of play. "You can find out more about a person in 1 hour of play than in a year of conversation."  How true it is.

BIg shout out to all of the people from the TCI Learning Lab  program who I drew for this past weekend - all of you are so committed to innovation. Thank you so much for changing the face of education at the community college level. You're amazing.

Tomorrow I will be illustrating for the Disrupt Education think tank at Pepperdine, so stay tuned to see what they are up to. Orchestrated by none other than Frank Fitzpatrick - check him out.

Shameless Promotion in the Braggatorium:
Read this awesome blog post and win a free copy of Drawing Solutions - by Monica Bourgeau from
She's a really great blogger, btw, who falls into our category of awakening soul messages.

PORTLANDIA Club Inc!  For those of you women who enjoy networking, I am giving a short talk over lunch this Thursday, March 6th. If you need a tune up, why not get one over lunch? That's a cheap and lively consultation plus you get to meet awesome Portland women.

Inner Guidance:  Your Divine Birthright
There's an amazing woman coming to Portland (and she may be coming to your town as well).  Anne Archer Butcher and she wrote an excellent book called "Inner Guidance: Our Divine Birthright."  She'll be speaking at the conference Travel the Road to Spiritual Freedomat the Unity Church on March 7th. I am the opener, so I'd love it if you came to see Anne and I both!  Anne will share some of her profound stories with inner guidance. Me, I'm talking about…what else, love ;-) Not to be missed! 
One final thing - a question really... isn't Jimmy Fallon awesome on the Tonight Show? Hashtag LOVE HIM! #changingtheworldonesweetmomentatatime



I need a few more classes in Portland to run Vision to Reality groups now that Open Meadows is closing (boo!) So if you have a line in to a great high school,please contact me.



We are coming out with some really fun things this year. Learning Videos. Box Kits. Creative Genius Tools you are going to love!
Stay tuned!



This team makes it happen. They are orchestrating the most incredible convenings with educators or influencers across the nation.  Big shout out to theCollaboratory and University of Illinois. Thank you!

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