Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Amazingness of You - New Year, New You!

2014 is turning over to 2015! Yay!

You are amazing.

You and all you did this year.  All the miles you drove or flew. All the diapers you changed. All the words you wrote. All the views you saw. All the friends you met. All the photos you took. All the people you worked with. All the things, the stuff, the food, the warmth, the beauty.

You are amazing. Why? Just because! You are alive.You are loved. You are here.Thank you.

At 4:30AM I remembered how awesome it is to be alive. Remember? What's the alternative? ___________ Right - fill in the blank!

Today is a perfect day to reflect on 2014 and get ready to start something new. It doesn't have to be a big reflection. We get confused by the idea of making "big change". Little change adds up over time and becomes big. But only if you notice.

Take a moment to reflect - get a piece of paper and a pen and draw a few little pictures for that life you had in 2014. What did you think you'd do this year? And what really happened? Without judgment, just reflect. Jot a few things down...maybe you wanted to start getting out more. Or be nicer to your neighbors. Maybe you wanted to walk to work, or get a bike. Maybe you wanted to volunteer. Or "unplug".  Or get connected.

Write it down. The things you thought you'd do.
Now take a look at what you DID do.  What you learned, who you became, all the things you accomplished, places you went, people you met! Stay focused on what you did, versus what you didn't do. (intercept the critic and toss him out!)

Staying focused on the things you accomplished, reminds you that everything you did this year, in some way, added up.  All of these things in some way, were the right things to do. ;-) Why? Because they happened. 
Now ask, what were the 3 bold things you did that helped you get here? Write them down. Maybe one was "I kept at it,"  "I asked for help," or "I believed." These things you did made a difference and helped to form who you are right now. And no matter how much the critic wants you to do more, be more, buy more - remember...

You are awesome.
Maybe it wasn't the easiest, healthiest, most abundant year you've ever had. are here right now. That is something to celebrate at this year's end.

Thank you. Thank you for all you brought to the world.
And for those of you who brought me into your worldthis year, you changed me - for the better! Thank you.

NOW, get ready for the best year of your life! 2015!
You know what I'm going to suggest next, don't you?
It's time to draw your dreams into reality! 

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Refresh!  Thanks so much to Navin, Emer, Brad, Julie, (and Brian who caught that typo!) Check out our new website!


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