Sunday, April 22, 2012

Getting Beyond Yourself to Lift Up the World

Recently I have been traveling around both in the physical and in the virtual worlds, sharing my "Snapshot of the Big Picture" vision to reality process.  There is emerging a common theme to what I am hearing.  Some of you who are working to dream big dreams have set beliefs about what is or is not possible.  I am hearing you say things like...
One of the ways you can begin to break through your limiting beliefs is by reflecting on the past and what you have already accomplished - big or small.  Make a list of your past successes. This will raise your serotonin level and help you be more inspired to shake things up and get them going.

Another serotonin lifter is by being inspired by others.  Watch Intel's Ekaterina Walter, Russian immigrant, who shares in her TEDx talk, her story of living the American Dream.  She will definitely help you remember how important it is to take advantage of the opportunities you have.  Take a look at Balloon Kenya and how they have committed themselves to making a difference in their communities and forging relationships around the world.

You can also get over that doubting mind by doing things that take you beyond yourself.  If you are worried about your capabilities, challenge that belief by going out and helping someone else.  Volunteer at a local charity walk, or the library or senior center.  Offer to watch your neighbors' child or walk their dogs.  Giving will open your heart, which makes way for good things to drop into your consciousness.  (That left side of your brain is a trickster!  You have to forge a pathway through that critical mind, rooted in fear, with a chisel of pure love.)

Finally let me beat my personal vision to reality drum.  Keep the picture of what you want, your dream, at the forefront of your mind by drawing out a picture of that future state and putting it somewhere where you can see it everyday.  When you find yourself saying that something is not possible to have or do, ask yourself to look beyond those limiting beliefs.  Train your brain to work for you, step into those dreams you have, right here and right now. Lift up the world by becoming all that you can be.  Be good.  Do good.

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