Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stay Inspired by Keeping Your Serotonin Up

So it's mid January and you are wondering...geez I felt so good about my goals on January 1.  Today?  Not sure.

Well if you created a visual of your dream, a goal map, a collage, a list, a blogpost, fear not there is a simple way to keep yourself inspired.

You simply need to review what you created, dreamed, listed, arranged, set out as an intention.

But first, let's re-adjust your chemistry.

Get up - do 10 jumping jacks.  Or 20 push-ups.  Drink an 8 oz glass of water.  Or sing a song at the top of your lungs.

Now, sit down, sit back, shut your eyes and do a little daydreaming.  Positive daydreaming - so put the critic in the corner and dream the best possible scenario.

Imagine yourself in that new job, on that vacation, feeling slim, eating well, living loved, being more creative.

Imagine it as if it is occurring right now.  Live it in your mind fully!  Imagine that new boss, the myriad of possibilities.  Surf on that seashore.  Climb that trail in the mountains that you love. Kiss that imagined or actual partner that you have.  Feel it in your body, your cells, dream, dream, dream.

Guess what?  You just raised your serotonin level and you inspired yourself.  So let go of whatever list you have going for a second and ask yourself, "What is one thing I can do right now, in this inspired moment to get things moving?"  Write it down and go do it.

Call that person with that lead on a new job. Write that bio. Draw that picture. Place a personal ad. Run around the block.  Try something new.

One small act everyday will lead to you living that secret dream you have be housing in your brain.  Get it out of there and into here.  Real life.  You deserve it.

Up your creative genius today. #meanit

Friday, January 13, 2012

Cool 2012 Visions

Here are just some of the images that have filled my email box or twitter sphere since the book and the TEDxRainier video, Drawing Your Dreams Into Reality came out 3 days ago.

These images are a testament that you don't have to know how to draw to turn your dreams into reality.  These people are doing it and you can too, even if you are drawing it in your garden's soil.
Go to this page to download your template (at very bottom of page) and let's get you started as well.

What dreams do you have?  Draw a picture of them and send it to me!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Getting & Staying Focused in 2012

Goal setting and goal achievement are two separate things. One requires that you take time to think about what you want.  The other only occurs when you remain focused on your goals and take action on them to help them manifest.

Your brain is bombarded with millions of bits of data in every second.  So how can you keep focused on your goals?  Draw a picture of them, place that picture somewhere you can see it everyday.  Then take action on those goals.  In my book, Drawing Solutions How Visual Goal Setting Will Change Your LIfe I outline a very simple process for goal setting that includes creating a visual map of where you are, where you want to go and identifying the 3 bold steps to get you there.

Here is Ted's 2012 map he created using my process:
You can see this picture has both words and images in it.  That activates both sides of your brain and also highlights this Desired New Reality so Ted's brain will be alerted to get and stay focused on his goals.

You don't have to be an artist to draw your dreams into reality.  Ted has been using this process since I first did a map for him 5 years ago. Every year he gets more of what he wants.

If Ted can have success using a simple drawing, so can you.

Send me your map so I can post your story too!  Happy new year and may you turn all your dreams into reality.