Life schools you. Friends school you. In turn, you school others.
This week one of my longtime collaborators Nancy Cranbourne from One Big Yes Productions came to town. We wanted to create a new something. Was it a workshop? A performance? We weren't sure exactly what we were going to create, but the whole experience was deep and rich and tough and educating.
It schooled me in the value of long-term friendship and collaboration clearly. It wasn't just about creating new work. As we talked about audience and outcomes, we dug in and asked each other the hard questions.This collaboration has been notorious for taking a deep dive into the underbelly to pull out what women in the world need right now. Since we are women, that means we have to crack open our hearts to let the yuck pour out and the love pour in.
When you collaborate to create anything, you have to leave your ego at the door, unload your expectations, call up and throw out your old beliefs. When ideas start to spark, one person throws something out in the air while the other yells, "Yes, yes, that's it! or "No, no something like this..."
It's loud and raucous and there's lots of good coffee and great food and a mile wide of respect and openness. Eventually the pile of possibiities starts to form into a heart which beats and builds.
And the process schools you as you school each other. At some point in all that schooling you realize wow, what a beatiful thing life is. What an amazing school we live in and everyone's part so unique, so cool.
This week our Creative Genius PDX is just that. Cool. Gina Johnson Morris has some beautiful things to say in this episode of Creative Genius Portland about finding your passion, stepping into your dreams, and expanding your vision to include others. Enjoy her brilliance and articulateness and let it shine a light on #creativegeniusYOU. |
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