What if you could change anything in a minute?
Would you?
I bet 100% of you would say yes.
But only 10% of you will actually do something to make that change happen.
Become that 10%
right now.
It only requires two things -
1. Using your imagination, (aka your #creativegenius), and
2. Opening a door.
Start here
Think of that dream you've been having of something you want to change - where you
really want to make a shift. Got it?
Now, i
magine, out of the blue, the best thing happening to you - you get the promotion, you drop 20 lbs., your bank account fills with cash. Let go of worrying how you are going to get there or how used to do it or what happened to you in the past and focus on the inner pictures of how you want it to be right now.
STAY FOCUSED. Add a little more detail
. What's different in this new picture? How are you different in this picture? Focus on the best case scenario, and the best you in that scenario. Now smile. Literally smile.
Smiling opens your heart, which opens the door to let in that best self, that best scenario, that goodness that you truly are.
This week make a conscious effort to hold the door open for someone else
every time you have the opportunity. As you hold that door open, smile. Then remind yourself you are letting in more and more of your best life, your best #leadership, your best partnering ability, your most abundant self, your best #creativegeniusyou.
Keep track of what happens and be that 10% who is consciously making change.
Here's a note I got this week from someone who watched
Draw Your Future
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